Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What about the unlucky ones?

          The unlucky ones are forced to sleep on the street, run towards dumping site to collect plastic, glass bottles which they collect and sale to scrap shop to earn some money and kill their hunger. They are not always lucky enough to make money out of such dumps to kill their hunger. They are forced to beg or get into pick pocketing. Sometimes, they fight among each other and steal friends money but
still they are seen together walking around corners of Kathmandu's streets. We can even see them begging, especially with the tourist as they know most of Nepalese people won give them a single paisa.Now-a-days, we can see that these street kids have developed a new kind of addiction. Their addiction is towards the odor that comes from some adhesive which are mostly used in making leather shoes. In Nepal they are commonly known as Dendrite by the name of the company that produces them.These adhesive are synthetic rubber which is a combination of Aromatic and Aliphatic Solvent with a strong odor. They are highly flammable too.

          Boys with adhesive in miniral water bottle and a plastic bag. I met few such kids and questioned them why they want to take such smell of adhesive. They simply replied me that it gives them pleasure. They get stoned with suck odor; they get relief from their hunger, pain and other unpleasant things they come across in their daily life.I don't know what kind of pleasure they get from such odor of adhesive nor do I have any idea what impact such odor will create in their health.

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